Poking Around
When the tide is out, the sea birds hit the beach looking for food. Curlews, sandpipers and red knots use their sharp bills to poke in the sand for worms and other invertebrates. American oyster catchers use their strong bills to crack open mussels and cockles. Gulls scour the beach searching for crabs and small fish.
Get in the Zone
The intertidal zone isn't all the same. It has four separate regions with unique features and challenges for the organisms that live in them.
Intertidal Desert
The spray zone or the supralittoral fringe is the farthest from the ocean and it is the driest zone. Usually this zone is just reached by the ocean's spray. Think of it as the desert of the intertidal zone. Barnacles, limpets, whelks, algae and periwinkles can often be found on the rocks in this zone. Other animals like crabs and sea stars aren't as common in this area because it gets so little sea water.
Wash and Dry

The next area is the
high-tide zone or the
upper midlittoral zone. It is exposed to some water during high tide when waves wash over it. Organisms that live in this zone must be able to survive in both wet and dry environments. They also must be able to survive pounding waves! Barnacles, limpets, whelks and mussels that live in this zone attach themselves to rocks so they aren't washed away by the waves.
Tidepools often form in this region when water is trapped in depressions in rocks and the sand. Some animals live in tidepools for their whole life, others wash in and out with the tides. Organisms that live in tidepools have to adjust to changes in water temperature and salt and oxygen levels during the course of a day.
Half and Half

mid-tide zone or the lower
midlittoral zone is completely covered and uncovered twice a day by the tides. Plants and animals in this zone must be able to live in air and water. Animals like mussels and anemones hold in moisture by closing up when the tide goes out. Seaweeds that grow here can hold onto their moisture until the tide returns.
Intertidal Rainforest
If the spray zone is the desert of the intertidal zone, the
low tide zone or
intralittoral fringe is the rainforest. It is usually covered by water for most of the day. It is only exposed to air during unusually low tides. Because there is less change, life is easier for the organisms in this zone and there are more species here than in the other zones. Lots of species of seaweed, crabs, sea urchins, star fish, anemones and small fish are common here.