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Western Tanager - Piranga ludoviciana

Life Cycle


 Class: Aves
 Order: Passeriformes
 Family: Cardinalidae
 Genus: Piranga

Western Tanager

ICUN Redlist - World Status: Least ConcernLeast Concern
    Audio Credit: Andrew Spencer cc logo
Western TanagerThe western tanager is 6-7 inches in length. The male western tanager has a bright red head, a bright yellow body and black wings. The female western tanager is greenish-yellow on top and yellow on her underside. Both the male and female have two wing bars. The top wing bar is yellow and the bottom one is white.

mapThe western tanager can be found in the western United States and Canada. It breeds from southern Alaska and the Northwest Territories of Canada south through the western United States. It winters in in Mexico and South America and occasionally in Southern California.

Western TanagerThe western tanager breeds in open coniferous forests and mixed deciduous-coniferous forests. It can be found at elevations of up to 10,000 feet. It winters in open mountain pine woodlands and in parks and gardens.

Western TanagerThe western tanager eats fruits and insects. It forages for food in the trees and shrubs. They also catch insects in the air.

  Life Cycle
Western TanagerThe female western tanager lays three to five eggs in a cup-shaped nest made of woven bark, grass, and weeds. The nest is placed in a fork of a tree. The female incubates the eggs. The eggs hatch in about two weeks. Both parents care for the chicks.


Western TanagerThe western tanager is a long-distance migrator. Every year it travels between its wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America to its breeding grounds in western North America.


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