The MacDowell Colony 

The Composers

David Del Tredici
(1937- )

"Perhaps this composer loves the place because of  life-long personal associations that started there. Isolation and contentment produce tranquil friendships as well as passionate arts." 
David Del Tredici

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Artist Profile

  Perhaps best know for his works inspired by Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland, Del Tredici graduated from  the University of California, Berkeley and Princeton University and studied piano with Bernhard Abramowitsch and Robert Helps and composition with Earl Kim, Seymour Shifrin and Roger Sessions.  He won the Pulitzer Prize in Music in 1980 for In Memory of a Summer Day, one of his many works based upon Alice in Wonderland. From 1988 to 1990, Del Tredici served as Composer-in-Residence with the New York Philharmonic. He is currently Distinguished Professor of Music at the City College of New York.
His works include: String Trio (1959), The Last Gospel for amplified rock group, chorus and orchestra (1967), PopPourri (1968), Vintage Alice (1972), Adventures Underground (1973), In Wonderland (1975), Annotated Alice (1976), Final Alice (1976), An Alice Symphony (1976), and March to Tonality for orchestra (1985), Steps (1990) The Spider and the Fly (1998), Chana's Story (1998). 
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