United States House of Representatives - District Two
Paul Hodes - Democrat |
Hometown: Concord
Born: March 21, 1951 in New York, NY
Family: Spouse: Peggo, one son and one daughter
Education: AB, Dartmouth College, 1972
Boston College Law School, 1978
1979-1982 Assistant Attorney General, NH
1982-1983 Special Prosecutor for the State of New Hampshire
Present Trial and entertainment attorney Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. in Concord
Hobbies/Interests: Founding member of the musical group, Peggosus . Also founded Big Round Records and Big Round Music. |
Candidate's Web Site
Iraq : Immediately
begin the process of turning Iraq over to the Iraqis; dismantle permanent military bases in Iraq;
bring home the National Guard and Reserves
redeploy troops to Afghanistan , Kurdistan and Kuwait.
National Security: Supports
passing legislation to institute all the reforms of the bi-partisan 9/11 Commission immediately.
Strengthen and re-supply our National Guard and Reserves so that they can respond to the challenges of a changing world including natural disasters.
Personal Freedoms:
Reform the Patriot Act to protect individual freedoms;
Investigate the White House and NSA domestic spying program. Supports
Second Amendment rights of sportsmen and law-abiding gun owners. Supports a women's right to choose
Immigration: Strengthen border patrol, enforce existing laws, work with Mexico to help solve illegal immigration.
Thinks it is
impractical to criminalize and seek to deport current illegal immigrants
Education: Revise and fully fund No Child Left Behind or repeal it;
encouraging young college graduates to become teachers through a program of student loan relief;
target federal dollars for school infrastructure improvement; increase teacher pay; create a
program of low-interest loans and bond issues that fund infrastructure improvements in schools.
Jobs/Economy : Raise the minimum wage;
prioritizing math and science education in schools;
investing in small businesses and mid-career education programs to help workers in the manufacturing sector whose job security is in doubt.
Energy/Environment : National focus of scientific and engineering research towards developing new and sustainable sources of energy; re-committing government to the attainable goal of clean air and clean water; address global warming.
Health Care : Universal access to health insurance and quality, portable and affordable health care;
Medicare prescription drug reform;
increased competition among providers and health plans; expansion of the state-administered Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP), to make sure every child has the benefit of good health