

The Candidates
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National Mock Election


Polls and Surveys

The UNH Survey Center
The Survey Center conducts a variety of surveys and polls for a variety of clients. Go to the Press Releases and Publications section for the latest poll results.

Cast Your Vote!
Follow a year in a fictitious election campaign for an inside look at the mathematics behind the polls.

The Polling Report
This site features current polls on a variety of topics including politics, business and the economy, and the current American scene.

Real Clear Polls
Take a look at the latest polling results for the 2008 race.

Washington Post OnPolitics
Links to public opinion polls on the Web.

Political Polls Lesson Plan- Gr. 9-12
The objectives of this lesson are: Students will understand A) terms of polling B) philosophy of how polls are constructed C) how polls may be inaccurate D) how polls may be used.