Thirteenth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest

Riger Plumm Macburl

He slept on the tree. Riger slept on, unaware that strange figures were running towards him. The strange figures were hares, in fact three of them.

"Well, the jolly blighter is taken a snooze in the most spiffin' of places. Hi, up there, mind coming back down for the jolly old conversation?"

Riger woke up, and in true military fashion, shouted back down "State the name o' yore business, chest out, chin up, buckoes!"

"Sah, if we're not mistaken, you must be.Riger!"

"Right ye are, so that means you must be."

"Say no more! Colonels Stapboot an' Backslash, at your service! And of course, me, the Sergeant Callisto."

"Alright, gotcha names, sah!"

Riger swiftly came down, and threw a smart salute at them. "What are you doin' in this neck o' the land, may I ask?"

"Sent by Boris, said to accompany you back to the place"

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