Fourteenth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest

A Story Starring Starry

Just then a squid with beautiful colors swam by.  Starry tired to be as quiet as she could, but since she hadn’t eaten in a week, her stomach started to growl.  The squid turned around and could now see Starry with its lights.  Starry thought that she was going to be its lunch! 

“Hi!  I’m Inky!  What’s your name?” said Inky in a happy voice. 

“My name is Starry aren’t you going to eat me?” Starry said. 

“No way!  What are you doing down here anyway?  Don’t you know starfish don’t live down here?” asked Inky. 

“I was swept away from my home, can you help me?” whimpered Starry. 

“Sure!” said Inky, “I would love to help!”
