Fourteenth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest


When we got down to the bay Mom smeared sunscreen on my face.  Then the person who told us what to do came and gave us our life jackets and our canoes.  When we got the canoe in the water and hopped into it, the canoe rocked left and right.  “We are off to a rocky beginning,” said Dad.  “Yep,” I said.

When we paddled a little way the water started to get whiter and whiter and faster and faster!  Then we rammed into a huge dead tree!  “EEK!” I said.  That was just the beginning.  I didn’t know that soon there would be a disaster.

Just a little while later I saw even whiter and even faster water!  Dead ahead was a huge rock and another tree behind it.  Surely we would tip over.  Then Crash!  Bang!  Boom!  We tipped over!  I grabbed the cooler, Dad grabbed the canoe.  People behind us stopped to help us get back on our feet.  They loaded Isaac and me into the canoe.  They hauled us onto a rock island.  Then we set off down the river again.  Not far down we soon came to a stop.  We were back again.
