Fourteenth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest

The Kingdom of Fruits


The children said yes and they were off to the gigantic rainbow castle where King Watermelon and his wife Queen Cantaloupe live.  When they arrived, they found King Watermelon very worried.  “What is wrong Your Majesty?” asked Miss Blossom.  “I just got a letter from the Fruit Scouts and they say that 90% of the children won’t try new fruits!  They don’t even know what a strawberry is!” answered King Watermelon.  “We love all fruits!” said Elizabeth “Really?  Even kiwis?!” asked King Watermelon.  “Yes!  Kiwis are Bobby’s favorite,” answered Elizabeth.  “A great idea has just popped into my fruity brain!  Why don’t you children go back into your world and invite your friends to come to a magnificent Fruity Ball!” said King Watermelon.
