Fifteenth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest

Sliding Down the Tower


“Wow!” I said in amazement, “I mean, we could have $60,000,000 in our hands within the blink of an eye!”

“That’s true, but we just have to think of what we can do for a stunt. There’s nothing that exciting to do in the middle of winter, especially in Paris.”

Right then it hit me, the perfect stunt, beyond perfect. Alli and Shannon are going to sled down the Eiffel Tower!
“I know the perfect stunt- we can sled down the Eiffel Tower!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. What makes you think that I am going to sled down the Eiffel Tower, and risk my life just to get $60,000,000!” yelled Alli with a stern look on her face.
