Eighth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest

The Snowboarding Penguins

At the mountain we went on the  and  first, then the  and  , and then we took a break after that. We went fishing and ate, and by the time we were done it was time for bed. "Good night."

The next day we woke up nice and early at 5:02:06. We were all daring to do the  Huemunga Gunga. We waited for the chairlift to pick us up from the ground and whisk us up the mountainside. At the top we asked each other if we really wanted to go on Huemunga Gunga, and we finally decided that we were. It was the time of my life.
The jump seemed like it would never stop, and at the top of the jump I caught so much air. I met up with my friends at the bottom. " That was the best trail that I've ever snowboarded on in my life," said Hushwush. "Mine too, " said Walkah and Fredrick. "It is my second favorite," I said.  And my friends all said, "WHAT!?!?

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