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Family Traditions

pumpkin"Most people say it's those traditions that make the days special for them. Traditions can be like anchors that help us feel more secure and stable. They can be especially important when families feel the frenzy that sometimes comes with the holidays."

from The Mister Rogers Parent Book by Fred Rogers, Family Communications, Inc., 2002.

Traditions can also be an anchor in troubled times or when a family has faced a crisis. They are something to look forward to and hold on to; something known in the face of the unknown. Traditions can also spark wonderful memories.

Sometimes traditions involve reaching out to others less fortunate, which helps children learn to be caring, generous, and thankful for what they have. This might be helping at a soup kitchen, volunteering to visit elderly neighbors or shut-ins, or giving items to a food pantry or seasonal toy drives.


Make a Memory Book!
Help your children create memory books in which to document some favorite experiences.