NH Social Studies StandardsEconomics Grades 3-4SS:EC:4:5.2: Explain why some countries’ resources are in greater demand than others, e.g., colonial New Hampshire’s mast trees or petroleum. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, D: Material Wants and Needs, F: Global Transformation) Geography Grades 3-4 SS:GE:4:3.5: Investigate how humans interact with ecosystems, e.g., forest management or impacting wetlands. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, D: Material Wants and Needs, F: Global Transformation) SS:GE:4:5.1: Illustrate how people modify the physical environment, e.g., irrigation projects or clearing land for human use. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, D: Material Wants and Needs) SS:GE:4:5.2: Examine the ways in which the physical environment provides opportunities or limitations, e.g., natural resources that first attracted settlers or natural hazards that threaten life. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, D: Material Wants and Needs) Geography Grades 5-6SS:GE:6:3.3: Illustrate how physical processes produce changes in ecosystems, e.g., the process of succession after a forest fire or decertification. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, F: Global Transformation) SS:GE:6:3.4: Explain how human activities influence changes in ecosystems, e.g., the introduction of exotic species. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, G: Science, Technology, and Society) SS:GE:6:5.1: Understand the consequences of human modification of the physical environment, e.g., coastal development or forest management. (Themes: E: Cultural Development, Interaction, and Change, G: Science, Technology, and Society) |