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strawberriesWhat do you do when you need food or when you want to get warm?  You probably go and get food when you are hungry and put on a sweater or a jacket  when you are cold. But what if there was no food in your house? What would you do?  Go to the store? Go to a restaurant? What if they had no food? Would you keep moving to find food? What if you didn't have a jacket or a sweater? What if the heater was broken? What would you do to stay warm? Would you go someplace where it was warm? 

Some animals move to find food and stay warm. They migrate!

Migration is the seasonal movement of animals from one habitat to another. Migration isn't a vacation for animals. It is a critical behavioral adaptation necessary for survival.

Long- and Short-Distance Migration

How and Why Animals Migrate

    Did You Know?
frog... the arctic tern migrates over 10, 000 miles from pole to pole and back again every year. That's over 20,000 miles!

... some frogs and toads migrate very short distances to pools of water where they breed and lay their eggs.

... changing a habitat can interrupt an animal's migration pattern.

    What Do You Think?
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File FolderLearn more about how and why these animals migrate.

    Teacher's Guide

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Junior Naturalist Patrice looks at how some animals migrate to find food or a place to hibernate, and how others migrate to mate, give birth, and raise their young. Next, she joins Senior Naturalist Dave Erler to band some birds so they can be tracked as they migrate. We take a closer look at how the three raptors, the broad-winged hawk, the red-tailed hawk and the snowy owl migrate. Finally, Sara and Davis help Iain McCleod of the Audubon Society with his annual hawk count. Watch Online >>

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