How have the natural environment and the way people live affected each other in NH?

In addition to the above, 4-6 students should be able to:
Use observation and primary source materials to research and discover the ways humans and the natural environment have affected each other in New Hampshire.

1. compare visual records such as photographs, paintings, and etchings of New Hampshire in the past with the actual sites now to answer the question, How has use of these sites changed over time?  Students record events in the visuals on a timeline.

2. using local sources such as newspapers, photos, and letters, find stories and illustrations of (a) the effects of the natural environment on humans and (b) the effects of humans on the natural environment.  Students place the events on a timeline of their own community.

3. summarize the ways people have depended upon, used, and altered the natural environment in New Hampshire; locate these in historical eras; identify and evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of these environmental uses.

IntroductionQuestionsOverviewsPeopleLesson PlansAppendixesBoundariesNatural Environment and People  National, Ethnic, and Cultural GroupsPoliticsTechnologytGroups and OrganizationsMaterial Wants and NeedsSelf-expressionSummary List