Monthly Theme
April is the perfect time to begin thinking about planning a garden. Children love to plant things and watch them grow! Gardening teaches children responsibility, gives them a greater appreciation of nature, and it's loads of fun!
Gardening with Children
Start to Finish
Let children be involved with all stages of gardening from planning to harvesting! Let them help chose a location for the garden. This is a great time to talk with them about what plants in a garden need to grow - good soil, sun, and water. Talk about the types of plants they might want to grow - do they want to plant vegetables, fruits, flowers, or herbs? Have them draw a plan for their garden, help shop for garden supplies, design their own plan markers, research recipes using the vegetables and herbs they plant.
Think Manageable
Don't bite off more than you can chew! Start small! You want a garden that your child can take care of. If a garden is too large, you child may be overwhelmed!
Choose Your Plants Wisely
Make sure you choose at least some plants that will grow quickly so you child doesn't get impatient waiting for something to grow. When choosing fruits and vegetables, make sure you choose ones your child likes to eat!