Monthly Theme
Fire Safety
October is fire safety month.
Each year more than 100,000 people in the United States experience a major household fire.
An estimated 2,800 children age 14 or younger are injured and 850 killed in residential fires. Of these children, over 40 percent are under the age five and 70 percent are under the age of 10.
Learn way to make your home safer and help children understand the dangers of fire and things they can do to protect themselves from fire.
Programs That Explore Fire Safety
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Instructional Television
Smoke Detectives Subject: Health Grades: K-6
Airs October 4 from 3:30-4:30 a.m.
SMOKE DETECTIVES stars Joe Flaherty and four school children as they become "smoke detectives" searching for fire hazards in the candle lit home of Count Floyd. Through a series of misadventures, they are able to teach the Count the basics of fire safety and inspire him to clean up his act and home, and become a smoke detective, too. This program is endorsed by the International Association of Fire Fighters and the National Association of Elementary School Principals.
Ready To Learn Programs
D.W., All Fired Up/I'd Rather Read it Myself (Show 302)
No air scheduled at this time
What exactly is a fire drill anyway? When Ms. Morgan announces they'll be having one during preschool, D.W. wants no part of it--it sounds way too scary. Can she manage to stay home from school every day until the danger passes? In the second story, the Tibble Twins are better than D.W. at just about everything - they can yell louder, bounce higher, and even get dizzier. It would be great if D.W. could at least read before the Tibbles do! Can she spin a tale dazzling enough to convince them she can? Related Activities: Fire Safety / Alphabet Shopping
April 9th (Show 710)
No air scheduled at this time
A fire in the Lakewood Elementary teachers' lounge affects the kids in a variety of ways. Arthur, for one, worries about his dad's safety. Related Activities:Fire Safety Caillou
I'm Learning (Show 430)
Airs October 11 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Caillou visits a ranch and practices a fire drill; then he accompanies Mom to the grocery store, where he gets his face painted. Meanwhile, Caillou and Mom plan a picnic lunch and Dad plants a tree.
Caillou to the Rescue (Show 304)
Airs November 5 from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Caillou tells Rosie a very imaginative bedtime story so she can fall asleep, and the fire chief visits his school. After Rosie hides Caillou's cars between the cushions on the sofa, he and Leo pretend to be tow truck drivers and crane operators who must rescue the cars.
Curious George
Candy Counter/Curious George, Rescue Monkey (Show 18)
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Eating candy is easy, but counting and sorting it is much more difficult! George quickly learns this when he agrees to watch Cayley's candy counter for an afternoon. / George is inspired to become a volunteer with the fire department when they help him get his foot unstuck from a chair. Educational Objective : To demonstrate sorting and classifying sets of objects (or animals) by size, number, and other characteristics (properties); to model building, sorting, and the comparing of two- and three-dimensional shapes/ To illustrate the importance of using the right tool for the task. Related Activity: Sort It Out
Readng Rainbow
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Max is the son of superhero parents whose soaring abilities are brought to life when an emergency arises. LeVar spends the day at a firehouse and learns what inspires firefighters. We also follow Wildlife Rescue Center of the Hamptons as they rescue, rehabilitate and release an injured goose. Finally, through an upbeat song, we celebrate the heroes that surround us every day.
Pet Stories You Don't Have to Walk
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An anthology of popular pet stories sets the theme for this tail-wagging episode. LeVar Burton and his canine companion enjoy funny pet stories, hang out at "U-Wash-Doggie", and have a birthday celebration at "The Three Dogs Bakery." In a heart-warming segment, we learn about animal adoption and the most famous cat of all, Scarlett who rescued her five kittens from a fire is living happily in Brooklyn. We also meet Baldo and his parrot, Bubu, who have a very special relationship.