American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos |
Range The American crow is found from Canada through the continental United States. It is a year-round resident in most of its range. It breeds in the northern most part of its range but may travel a bit further south for the winter. | Diet
Life Cycle American crows are very social and often live in family groups made up of the male and female and their young from the past two years. They all chip in to help build the nest and protect, feed, and raise the young chicks. American crows don't breed until they are at least two years old. Most don't breed until they are at least four years old. Male and female pairs may mate for many years. BehaviorThe American crow is a highly intelligent bird. It is a quick learner and good problem-solver! American crows live in family groups usually made up of a breeding pair and their young from several breeding seasons. Family groups will join other groups to feed and sleep. A group of crows is sometimes called a murder of crows! |
Audio Credit: Chris Parrish ![]() |