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Monthly Theme

The Environment

plantOur beautiful world is the only one we have, so it's important to take good care of the environment around us and respect all living things, both plants and animals.

Talk with your children about why it's important to care for the environment and that the consequences can be serious when we don't. Help them learn about nature and things to do to keep the environment healthy. Habits children develop when they are young can last a lifetime.


When you go on family walks, carry a bag for litter that others leave behind.




Simple Things You Can Do!
  • tooth brushTurn off the water while brushing your teeth, instead of letting it run and run, to conserve this valuable resource.

  • Never throw trash on the ground or out the car window. Litter causes pollution, which makes the environment dirty and unhealthy for plants, animals, and us!

  • Shut off lights, the television, and other electronic equipment, when they aren't being used, to save energy.

  • Recycle-find out the guidelines from your local recycling center and have children help you sort glass, cans, paper, cardboard, and other items that can be recycled.