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Monthly Theme


family There are many different kinds of families. Just look around your neighborhood or at your friend's families. This is the time of year when we celebrate mothers and fathers. Mother's Day is in May and Father's Day is in June. Whoever makes up your family, be sure to tell them you love and appreciate them (even brothers and sisters) and not just on their special days.



Tune in to Programs That Explore Family

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Instructional Television

Families, Feelings and Friendship

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The books in this series, written by contemporary children's authors, focus on themes of family and friendship.

Children's Programming

It's a Big Big World

In Good Voice/Wartz's Family Tree (Show 139)
Bob searches for another animal that can make a night howl when Oka has a case of laryngitis. Curriculum Idea: Animal Sounds - Different animals make their own, unique sounds to communicate with other animals. / Curriculum Idea: Families of Animals - Animals that share similar characteristics are grouped into animal families.

Maya & Miguel

Soccer Mom (Show 120)
Rosa is the new soccer coach, but having mom in charge displeases Maya and Miguel, who eventually learn what's really important.

Reading Rainbow

Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies
A young boy remembers coming to this country to be adopted. He remembers how unfamiliar and frightening some things were in his new home, before he accepted the love to be found there. This tender story about a family formed through adoption leads LeVar to explore the variety of ways families are created-the Harris family has 2 children, both adopted; the Peck family is a single mother and 9 adopted children; the Abney family is a set of parents, 2 brothers and an adopted sister. Viewers learn that families are really created by love.