<% response.redirect("/kn/") %> NHPTV Ready To Learn

Monthly Theme


family There are many different kinds of families. Just look around your neighborhood or at your friend's families. This is the time of year when we celebrate mothers and fathers. Mother's Day is in May and Father's Day is in June. Whoever makes up your family, be sure to tell them you love and appreciate them (even brothers and sisters) and not just on their special days.



Where in the World

busterfrom Postcards from Buster

On a map or globe, show your child where his or her family members came from and share what you know about those ancestors. What languages did they speak? Do you have any photos of them or possessions that were passed down to you? Think of songs, games, stories, crafts, recipes, favorite activities, rituals, or skills that your parents or grandparents may have shared with you that you could now pass down to your own child.

Family Rap

from Postcards from Buster

Write a rap song about your family.

Materials: Writing and drawing supplies


With your child, write your own rap about friends and family. Write about each person, what makes them special, and why they're important to you. Make up dance steps to go with your rap.