Monthly Theme
April is the perfect time to begin thinking about planning a garden. Children love to plant things and watch them grow! Gardening teaches children responsibility, gives them a greater appreciation of nature, and it's loads of fun!
Tune In To Programs That Explore Gardening and Plants
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Airs M-F from 10:00-10:30 a.m.
4/22 All Around the Block! (Show 441)
Dad decides to plant a new tree so it's a trip to the Nursery. Caillou learns about the differences between trees with needles and leaves. When Sarah gives Caillou an old toy horn, Caillou wants to blow it everywhere. But he quickly learns, not everyone wants to hear it all the time. But then, Dad brings Caillou to the park where he uses the horn to signal Sarah from afar.
Airs M-F from 5:30-6 p.m. 4/23 Curious George, Dog Counter/ Squirrel for a Day. (Show 109)
It's Dog Show Day! George and Professor Wiseman spend the day with all kinds of different dogs. In the end George is surrounded by dogs and has to figure out a way to sort them all./When Bill shows George how Jumpy Squirrel stores his food in the ground, George decides this is a pretty good idea and tries to store all the food in the country house in the ground, too.Educational Objective: To demonstrate sorting and classifying sets of objects. / To demonstrate how plants grow from seeds. Related Activity: Sort It Out
Airs M-Th from 3:00-3:30 p.m.
4/22 Every Day is Earth Day (Show 163)
For a school Earth Day project, the kids decide to clean up a vacant lot and plant a community garden. But as the deadline approaches, a rainstorm turns the patch of dirt into a muddy mess.